1. run a marathon
2. Go to a superbowl game
3. Become a registered nurse and use my skills in different countrys
4. Learn to speak another language
5. Climb a mountain
6. Go to the Olympics
7. Cross country ski
8. Learn to drive a stick shift
9. Learn how to make dad's BBq
10. Own all Disney movies
11. Snowboard Whistler
12. Go to a concert at the Gorge
13. Watch the sunset and sunrise in one day
14. Go to October fest in Germany
15. Go on a road trip across the US
16. Learn how to play a song on the piano (preferable white houses)
17. Have a garden
18. Learn about every religion
19. Kiss someone I love during fireworks
20. Have a library
21. Still hold hands when I'm old
adding each day..