The next day was pretty great. Ben's friend Jeff had heard he was showing an American around Bright and decided to be a part of the hosting and took us to mt. cobbler. WOW. It took us a good hour of winding back road's and pot holes, but it was more then worth it when we got there. Mt. Cobbler had about three waterfalls that we gawked at before actually climbing out on them. When we got to the top we could see the whole valley, it was amazing. I felt special, because not many of the locals knew about this place, let alone a traveling American. After cracking a beer and taking in God's beauty we headed home and on the way back I saw my first kangaroo! It's so odd to me that this foreign animal that would be in a zoo at home runs around wild. It would be like a squirrel or deer to someone in the states, just another back yard animal. None the less I didn't hide my tourist excitement and squealed even louder when I saw a joey in the pouch!
That night we went to Ben's friend Sharpy's for dinner which was pickled pork. Yum. He has two son's, 4 and 6. I still can't get over ascents on little kids, it's so cute. It's good to see that Ben has so many good people in his life that go out of their way to spend time with him.
The next day we had tea with the couple that we were staying with. It's known to neighbors and friends that they have tea at 10am every morning and anyone is welcome. Having tea with a bunch of older people put a smile on my face, I definitely want to do something like that when I'm older. After tea we went for coffee with another couple Ben is friends with, a bit closer to our age this time. After that we walked around Bright which is an adorable mountain town. We made a few more drop in's to say hello to of all Ben's fans, we headed to Ben's dad's in Briagalong. The drive was phenomenal. We took a back road to cut some time and of course for the scenery. Australia has had quite a few forest fires in years prior but is in the process of regrowth, the result, indescribable. Funny how something so beautiful came from something so devastating. Nature is amazing in that way and I definitely felt like I was witnessing something bigger then myself.

The ute took quite a beating from all the pot holes, windy turns and mud so Ben and I pulled over by a river to give the breaks a.. well.. break. Ben being as prepared as he is had a blanket and we were something out of a movie, laying by the river and watching the clouds.
A few miles down we stopped at the Dargo bar for a few beers, which is apparently a well known aussie bar. Inside the walls were lined with "stubby holders" which would be our cozie and of course the staple akubra (the aussie cowboy hat). The only trait that through off the aussie vibe was that baseball was on TV, the angels were playing, so I wasn't complaining. An hour down the road, we got to Briagalong, and went in search of food. Ben and I had started to get in a bad habbit of skipping meals because of all the distractions. The aussies love their fish and chips so I was happy to try their version of fish when my stomach was starting to eat itself. My conclusion of aussie fish and chips? Mo's in Newport, OR is better :) but the aussie still do a good job. Ben's dad's house is an adorable farm house complete with a view and the matching dogs. In the states the typical farm dog would be a collie or lab, but in Australia its the kelpie, looks kinda like a blue healer. Everyone was gone at home except Ben's sisters boyfriend Barry or as Ben calls him.. Bazzo. Bazzo is a tall lanky farm boy with the strong aussie ascent and attitude to fit. I finished off a bottle of champagne, we all played some pool, I sooked because the boys kicked my butt. The next day was amazing, LJ had told Ben that horses were basically my life growing up and that riding was something I didn't get to do very often anymore. Conveniently Ben's dad and sister owned horses! After a reassuring conversation to Erin (Ben's sister) that I was more then an experienced rider we got the go ahead. In my experience of riding horses for 15 years all the men that I met that were my age and knew how to ride were major hicks and obviously not being my type. The whole racism and illiterate thing doesn't exactly float my boat. So when Ben started speaking horse lingo and told me he knew how to ride, he instantly went up in my book. The ride was amazing, it rained off and on but it was still warm out which made it kinda romantic.. haha. The horses were great and I was happy Ben let us get some fun in and ran a bit. Swoop being an ex-race horse and Red being a stubborn follower, we had quite the race. I always forget how much I loving riding until I'm actually riding.
That night Ben and I decided to make dinner for Bazzo as a thank you for letting us crash. So being from California we know how to make some damn good tacos so that was my suggestion. On a side note, I have come to realize how much the Mexican culture is intertwined with the American culture. Every American knows basic Spanish words, can name at least 5 Mexican restaurants with in 5 miles and most likely employs one whether it be a house keeper, gardener or construction. So it was shocking to me when tacos wasn't a common meal and that I got a confused look when I said "no bueno". Anyway, it made me smile that my simple taco meal was a hit for Ben and Bazzo, I'll have to make enchiladas next time :)
The trip over all was perfection, good company, amazing sites and even a great surprise in the end with the ponies. And yes, to all of you at home scratching your head about "this Ben guy", pretty uncharacteristic of me to not be sampling the aussie cuisine, its true. We just fit well at the moment and seems to fall into everything I want, so why not? :)