After almost a year of living out of a back pack, sleeping with 16 people in a room occupying a top bunk in a hostel or sharing living quarters with 7 people at one time (5 of them being guys who neglected the kitchen), I was so ready to have my own space again. No room mates even, just my own place. I manage to score a RAD old studio downtown on the park blocks and its freakin adorable. Other then the fact I hear hear the Jesus guy rant about all of us going to hell and no dishwasher, its perfect. After a few Ikea runs my place is tip top.
I love the rounded entry ways.

Where I lay my head, complete with boyfriends flag.

Running quite a bit lately, but nothing like some encouragement from Ben MacKinnon and our eXtreme fitness days. Having fun while working out? We know the secrets.

My travel photography, the blank one is my Thailand photo and is currently being printed.


my view, I'm a fan

My kitchen :)

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