If any of you know anything about me, I'm kinda obsessed with planet earth. #1 goal in life.. become an RN, travel with that and make my mark with those less fortunate with my health like skills. On that note, I've wanted a globe since forever, I can stare at one for hours. This globe idea goes along with my vision of my future library with a massive globe in the middle, mmmm knowledge. Nerd? Yes. Every time I see them in stores, they are some ridiculous price. I mentioned to Ben I found one in one of my favorite vintage shops (the kind we had in our elementary school class rooms).
welllll I got my beloved globe with a big red bow on it, thoughtful Benjamin bought me my desired gift. Thanks boyfriend!! YAY!! Birthday this year shall be grand. Celebrating with a theme of a "original birthday". Straight up party hats, pinta, balloons, cake, water balloon fight, pin the tail on the donkey, legit 7 year old birthday party. Who would have thought a birthday after 21 would be exciting? That's my style..
Spin it, point, let's go!
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