
moving on up

this blog has moved to..




I've been neglecting blogging. To anyone that may read, I apologize.
I've been waiting until I re-vamp this thing until I truly commit to it again, but I've been way busy with other stuff. Like real life stuff. Stuff I've been neglecting longer than my little blog. Stuff like my future, my career and the people that matter.
I'm a person of my direct surroundings, I have the ability and misgiving of adapting really well. Yet, the thing deep inside me that screams with passion for new, for real, for passion, never lets me stay for too long. So within the past two months, I've done some much needed rearranging.
I moved out of SE Oak St and into a cute little purple house
 one block away from one of my closest friends.
I became a CNA2 and fell in love with nursing all over again.
I started running again.
Taylor bought a house! 
Which means I basically have an additional new home.
I applied to University of Rochester's Accelerated Bachelors of Nursing program,
 wish me luck!
Things a good. Things are calm. Things are back in order. I continue to learn a lot about myself, friendship, relationships and the future. And although a lot of people and situations have let me down this year, things are good. Things are making more sense, and thank God for the places and people that I find are real, and so very alive.


early bird

I want more early morning people. Early morning people for the sunrises
and the first cup of coffee.
Morning chill, first light discovery. For firsts.
 Less late night people.
 I want less whiskey gingers and unconscious mid-mornings. 
Everything seems to be in the dark, including integrity. 

I want to be part of first impressions in the early morning. Something that doesn't just wake me up in  physical way, but in another way I can't explain. Give me something new.



19 lessons by Neil Fitzgerald

Meet Neil. 
He's one of the most incredible people I know. He's currently living in Australia, where I'm positive he's just handing out blissful smiles or wonderment to everyone that meets him. He kinda has the affect. Neil wrote these and I thought I'd share..

19 important lessons learned thus far

1. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

2. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

3. Nobody cares if you can't dance well, just get up and dance.

4. If you find yourself on a bathroom-less European train with food poisoning and you're wearing a beanie, swallow your pride and get resourceful.

5. Sexual orientation is a myth

6. Never lick a steak knife.

7. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

8. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

9. Family is everything

10. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can actually see a baby emerging from her at that moment.

11. The Gods of all major religions are blackmailers.

12. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.

13. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.

14. Everyone's a prostitute.

15. No, you can't paint like Jackson Pollock. 

16. Feminists f*** better.

17. Santa gives more to rich kids than poor kids.

18. Life doesn't care about your goals

19. Your friends love you anyway.


at least one

We all do this. We get what we want. The job, the friends, the house, the boyfriend, the family or even the "perfect" red jacket.
Then we question it.
Is this really what I want?
Over and over. We’re never satisfied.
Cursed humans. [And I say cursed as cur-said not cur-sed. Because it just gives it the meaning I’m really trying to give it. Webster excepts both pronunciations]
Currently I’m satisfied with at least one. Even if it’s satisfaction amongst the smiles and the angry eyes. And I’m not sure how that can be, but I’m going to do my best not to question it.


12am seems like the perfect time to start writing.
So, today is now officially July 16th, a brand new day. Odd, how minutes ago it was the end of something and just like that it’s now something new. I wasn’t really prepared to appreciate this, newness. The thought kind of stresses me out. Did I appreciate July 15th 2012 enough? Because I’ll never see that day again, but I suppose it’s just a day, in a year.
What if the date changed in the middle of everyday instead? 12pm instead of 12am? I would think it would be mostly confusing. Mostly for scheduling purposes, which is personally important to me. I like that we go to bed and wake up to a new day, not just new because we woke up, but because there’s a real number to it. A date. Set by math. The international language of no dispute.
However, as I sit here grateful that humans are diurnal, I find myself having a date with my laptop in the middle of the night. I must admit, the night is beautifully mysterious. So here I am flirting with it.
And.. I do believe that’s the extent of which I share this intimacy. Goodnight.


one in seven billion

Sometimes I feel like no one in the entire world gets me.
 Not a single one.
Not like I expect them to..
 or I to them.

But Thank God I have at least one..
Thanks for getting me RM.