Ben and I were driving around in the country just outside Melbourne when we saw something furry on the other side of the road, Ben pulled over "Lets save the possum, otherwise he will get smushed"! Being human, of course I would save the animal, but the word possum put an image of an American possum in my head. That possum being an ugly grey, pointy nosed, rat tailed pest. When we got to the possum a crow was trying to pick him up, luckily we got there in time and Ben scooped him in his jacket. I was a bit hesitant to look at it, but when I did I saw the cutest animal I've ever seen. Big brown eyes, little paws and ears and mousey fuzz with a long tail that curls at the end! Ben and I took him to the vet and said goodbye, I was really excited to be a part of a aussie rescue.

coffee addiction.

One of the first things I noticed about Australia was that their portions (including coffee sizes) are A LOT smaller then the states. The biggest size they have here would be equivalent to our small. Trying to save money I have been ordering a small or when I'm feeling rich, a medium. Come to find out they only put one shot of espresso in their standard drinks, where as my standard coffee in the states has three shots. Another thing to note is that they don't have drip coffee here, only instant or espresso press. So when at home I'll have the espresso press which is equivalent to one shot of espresso per cup. Anyways, my point being that I have unknowingly cut my coffee addiction in half. I stayed with Ben for a few days and had to get back to Geelong for work so I had to get up at the ungodly hour of 7am to catch the train. I forced a cup of instant coffee and made note to get another coffee after I got to the station. I found a Starbucks and some gourmet coffee shop right next to each other and decided on the Starbucks to give me a bit of home. THEY HAD AMERICAN SIZES :) I was stoked, extra shot skinny vanilla latte please, "is three shots ok?", ummm yea! 30 minutes later my whole body was tingling and my heart was about to beat out of my chest. I hadn't had a caffeine high like that since I worked at Abercrombie during Christmas shopping. Although I love feeling invincible via caffeine I knew I had had to much. But a triple shot latte was my norm at home! So its true, Australia's portion size has cut my addiction in half. Good thing, I'm probably adding a few years back to my life.
Cadbury Chocolate.

perfection. Yes we have Cadbury at home, but turn over the back of it, its owned by the Hershey company, so not REAL cadbury. There are about 10 different kinds of Cadbury and I've tried a majority of them, so amazing. I eat way to much chocolate.
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