Me: "OMG Neil, it would be like a night at CC's coming alive"
Tickets sold out within 24 hours, not to mention seats were prcied up to $300. I called radio stations to win tickets and looked on craigslist, both were fails. I was stoked when Neil told me he found tickets. His friend that had bought everyone's ticket for the gays, wasn't getting compensated, so I jumped on it.
My mom and I even bought an extra for my brothers birthday present. eek! My brother and I are 12 years apart, so we are finally at the age we can really be friends. After litterally half a year of waiting for this glorious moment, August 19th arrived. The concert was more then I could have hoped, I was the perfect drunk and with some of my favorite people. Most people see her as just another pop artist, and I agree, "Pokerface" got REALLY old. I dont even listen to the radio and I felt like I heard it 20 times a day. But honestly, to those of you who havent taken the time to really study her brillance, shes actually extremely intelligent as a person and a muscian. Her music videos all tell a story, that read deeper then a large hat and sexy back up dancers. I'll leave you to decide what the deeper meaning is. During her show she stopped twice to briefly talk about serious issues that she believes deeply in, she made me heart melt. Two people I love deeply happen to be gay. Lady GaGa happens to support gay rights with her heart and soul, during the concert she talked about how to of her dancers are in love and hope to some day get married, but marriage is difficult for them because they both happen to be males. I grew up in an unique home when it comes to this issue. My parents knew Travis was gay by the age of 5, and growing up my parents acted as though it was normal, because it is. I'm grateful I grew up in a home that I never had the option of questioning homosexuality. GaGa also empowered the audience with words of change, that our generation is bringing a new way of thinking and living. I love her and I love that her and I are the same age. Neil, Carly and I were dressed superbly and we didnt hesitate to take photos with randoms all night. Seems a bit coinceded but we were in GaGa mode, the mode o floving ourselves. The camp counselor came out of me at one point, three beautiful high schoolers were sitting behind us with their moms, and melted my heart. Something about that age 13-17ish that draws me to them, and gives me a sense of joy and compassion and probably the reason I was a damn good counselor.
I told their moms they were the coolest moms ever and got to know the girls a bit better. They were both interested in going into the health field which of course made me love them even more, they played sports, made fun of me for being drunk and seemed like all around awesome young girls that are truly enjoying being young. My years of being a camp counselor showed me that so many young girls are trying to grow up way to fast. Those years around the age of 16 are hard, but unlike any age. youthful, free, careless, it makes me so happy to see girls that are loving their age and taking advantage of it. Also to see parents that are obviously doing a good job. At the end of the concert they asked for a photo with me and I told them to add me on facebook. Once again another experience affriming my passion, I can't wait to work with kids.

The afterparty was amazing, it was at the refuge and the venue had a rad futuristic vibe. Being on my continuous GaGa happy high, I talked to everyone, the limo driver, the gays, and even the security that wouldnt go let us see GaGa. It was a fabulous night with fabulous people and a fabulous way to end my fun for the summer.
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