
My first DIY

Soooo I started reading this girls blog that does a "do it yourself" segment. There's a ton of them out there, but she is a talented creative girl that keeps it to the level of beginner crafters and sewers like myself. Her blog shows easy steps for super cute stuff, not your typical super artsy girl in NYC, that owns a radical sewing machine that you can't afford- type of hipster. Finally someone who doesn't make me feel like poop on my level of talent with the left side of my brain! SOOO I'm an average sewer with out a super artsy radical sewing machine, but I can do your average straight stich with your average Pfaff Hobby sewing machine. Anyway.. wanna super cute well fitted flannel but you don't wanna spend $58 at urban outfitters? Well here you go.. inspired by Teresa

Step 1: Buy a mens flannel with a print you like at goodwill or value village, mine was $7.99. The smaller size the better, because it makes the work much less.

Step 2: Turn inside out try on and stand in cheer leader pose of arms straight out, and have someone pin fitted to desired fit.

Step 3: Use chalking pencil to mark important seams starting with cuff (where the cuff meets the arm sleeve) to armpit and down to bottom hem. Then take out pins and do a dot-to-dot with the chalk pencil using a yard stick.

Step 4: Straight stich following the chalk.

Step 5: Cut excess fabric after straight stitching to 1cm.

Step 6: Zig-Zag edge of seam for anti-fraying (assuming you don't have a over lock serger).

Step 7: Remove button on the cuff and move to spot of accurate fitting because I sure hope you don't have a massive man's size wrist! If you don't know how to sew on a button it's super easy, here's a youtube vid to show you how. Now your weird bulk from the previous seam will be hidden.

Yay! Cute self tailored flannel.


annoying university student #29

This annoys me beyond belief..

That person that goes out of their way to cover up their tests answers. I'm not annoyed because I want to copy you, I'm annoyed because it's an obvious sign of ego mania, stuck up and pretentious biology nerd (the uncool kind). If I were going to copy someone (which I would seriously never because academic dishonesty is NO joke), BUT if I would I wouldn't copy from you because you probably aren't that smart if you actually think people are trying THAT hard to copy your answers, you're kidding yourself.
......PS your three perfectly sharpened number 2 pencils, two erasers and brand new calculator occupying your entire desk space, is almost as annoying as you alone. Any person that actually feels like they actually might need three pencils and two erasers to take a 50 question test, should probably reevaluate how they actually go about taking this exam

Theres a few types..
- The type that JUST covers up their answers on the scantron with their calculator, test, arm etc. But it's not the whole scantron, its just the black bubbles, delicately covered up with a perfectly alined corner of an exam.
- The person that checks their answers by using their exam to cover up the bottom half of the scantron and using their hand to cover the top answers as they move in harmony down the 882-E green rectangle.
- When waiting in line to turn in their exam they wait in the corner, test held tight against their stomach, moving sideways against the wall until test-turn-in destination is met. Obviously this person thinks they have succeeded at a perfect score and not only does everyone know it in class, but if they give an opportunity, they will be tackled to the ground.
-By far the most obnoxious is Biology lab. When we rotate every 2 minutes and when finished you turn around facing the class room. Normal people hold their test sheet down by their side or look at their answers to check spelling, but the obnoxious biology nerd plasters the sheet of paper to their chest shoulders back, head high, eyes straight, with both hands covering every inch of the back side of the paper incase someone in the class can see through matter. This person usually answers their question with in 10 seconds and stands proud, hands on chest so tight that I assume they'll collapse if they move their firm grip.

Ps.. For kicks and giggles.. you definitely got #43 wrong. It's specialized transduction not generalized... idiot.


taking it in..

University of Maine nursing school called this morning (at 6am)..

I was accepted.


obsession above all others

Grey's Anatomy.

My fellow pre-health professionals would be ashamed because its so medically incorrect sometimes. 
But its is everything I want in my life. That being...
constant chaos and friends who get it.
Some want family as their life. I want my job of saving those family members.. as my life.

I should probably ban hulu from my computer, along with blogger and study for the classes that will actually get me there. 



Saturday Morning:
It started with a non-resident that slept over trying to leave and the house disagreeing. The door knob fell off. Our landlord doesn't allow us to call her on the weekend.. cool.

Door knobs falling off were
followed by artsy experiments..

Jillian had seen this online and wanted to do it. I've seen it on elyse canfield's blog. It was fun to do it for real. Next time we won't use our organic, environment friendly dish soap. Next time we'll use the soap with the gnarly chemicals which make it way cooler. 
PS note me taking advantage of a new mac user and editing my video. I'm sooo artsy.

Jillian and I spent this rest of our morning interviewing potential room mates. First one, SUPER awkward girl that is appropriately is a librarian (although I'd love that job), the door knob fell off again when she tried to leave. 

Saturday Afternoon:
After the next potential roomie/ tattoo artist left, Jillian and I spent the afternoon watching "The Five People You Meet In Heaven"
..followed by people watching from our window but the birds were most interesting.

*I didn't mean too but I document today, 
this lovely Saturday my room mate Jillian
and I had. But.. I did. So I thought I'd 
share a pleasant rainy Saturday.


My city is so cool

New TV series focused around the truths about my city, Portland, Oregon.
Check it..


oh hey regret, I knew you'd come around

This was suppose to be just a redo of a single class. A simple easier round two. But instead it has been a material reminder of failure, regret and static behavior. In turn amplifying other confusions unrelated to biology and to sum it it up, a big UGH.
January 5th I went diving under my bed to pull out my enmorous box of the dreadful left overs. All the remains of every science class that decides my future of being a nurse, or not. Saved exams, quizzes, flash cards, midterm reviews, diagrams, notes and notes upon notes waited for me. I sorted out all the winter term anatomy and physiology documentation into piles of old exams, notes, lab stuff and personal notes. I took notice of the amount of paper and taking advantage of no one being home, I bawled. I cried like a fucking baby. To put so much work into something only for it to mean nothing, to do it all over again.
Ok so I'm retaking this one class because I got a C in it, why? Break-ups aren't exactly a piece of cake and happen to effect my grades. How could I let something effect me like that? It was two years ago when that relationship ended- its now two years later I'm retaking A&P 302 which I was taking during that time hardship and its two years later, I feel similar emotions. Two years later, I moved on from that relationship, I dated someone else, traveled and lived in a different country for 6 months, made new friends, kept old ones, lived with my best friends on a dime, continued to do what I loved and discovered new ones. Yet I find myself feeling like I took 7 steps backwards. I feel like I didn't learn a damn thing.

Symbolism is a silly thing

If my metaphors haven't sunk in by now this isn't necessarily about the actual retaking of this one class, it just happens to be a physically existing piece of my life that happen to be a monumental one. This is me doing what I do, comparing and contrasting the past and present. The result? Not impressed two years later, I made some stupid decisions. I sit here two years later feeling like I didn't learn a single thing when it comes to relationships. Humans, what poorly made creatures when it comes to emotions. I think I do an ok job with the "would of, should of, could of's" and not to dwell on them, because I do believe life happens how its suppose to whether it plays out one way or another. Going about the approach to life is the challenge..
January 10th the regret got the better of me. Regret beyond the most detrimental emotion to exist and brought me to throw the towel in, give up, game over, no more, I'm done. I had a few that decided to pick up that towel and hand it back to me..


Thank you for recently saving my sanity.

January 12th
One success, phenomenal friends they never fail me.
Now how to face.. regret.


a rock and a hard pace

I should be studying
I should eat breakfast
I should put my clothes away
I should do laundry

I should find a full time job in June
I should find a place with a good land lord
I should apply to another nursing school
I should start planning to pay off student loans

I should eat organic
I should volunteer more
I should write more letters
I should lower my carbon footprint

I should not care about him
I should not care about the non-invite
I should not buy a ticket to Sasquatch
I should not buy spring pass to timberline

I'm tired of the should's and shouldn't. I'm taking a personal morning. Like I said I should be studying.. which I'll do.. eventually. But right now, it's 10:52am on a Sunday and I'm going to blog instead.

You know those dreams where you're trying to touch someone but no matter what you do you can't, sometimes you get within inches of them and still can't feel their skin on yours. Or you're trying to run away, no matter what you do your legs won't move. It's like you suddenly find yourself in tar, straining to move at all. Lastly, when you try to talk and eventually your'e screaming to be heard, but nothing comes out.. silence. You strain your vocal cords and so badly want to communicate but no words are formed.
I hate these. I've had them before. It's always when I'm in a place where I feel like there's nothing I can do to fix what the problem is. I can't talk it out. I can't run away from it. I can't even touch it to fully understand it. I'm not a patient person, but of course, life tends to test our weaknesses. Time is the only answer thus far, wait it out. My relationship with time is strange. I take note of dates, how I felt and where I was at that point in time. I always think, a year ago today I was... and think what I loved about it and what I would do differently. I compare and contrast the past me and the now me. You could say I ponder time often and therefore time makes itself known. Apparently this tends to leave me complaining on a Sunday morning for approximately 26 minutes.

It's now 11:18am and I think I'm ready to conquer some of the should's.