This annoys me beyond belief..
That person that goes out of their way to cover up their tests answers. I'm not annoyed because I want to copy you, I'm annoyed because it's an obvious sign of ego mania, stuck up and pretentious biology nerd (the uncool kind). If I were going to copy someone (which I would seriously never because academic dishonesty is NO joke), BUT if I would I wouldn't copy from you because you probably aren't that smart if you actually think people are trying THAT hard to copy your answers, you're kidding yourself.
......PS your three perfectly sharpened number 2 pencils, two erasers and brand new calculator occupying your entire desk space, is almost as annoying as you alone. Any person that actually feels like they actually might need three pencils and two erasers to take a 50 question test, should probably reevaluate how they actually go about taking this exam
Theres a few types..
- The type that JUST covers up their answers on the scantron with their calculator, test, arm etc. But it's not the whole scantron, its just the black bubbles, delicately covered up with a perfectly alined corner of an exam.
- The person that checks their answers by using their exam to cover up the bottom half of the scantron and using their hand to cover the top answers as they move in harmony down the 882-E green rectangle.
- When waiting in line to turn in their exam they wait in the corner, test held tight against their stomach, moving sideways against the wall until test-turn-in destination is met. Obviously this person thinks they have succeeded at a perfect score and not only does everyone know it in class, but if they give an opportunity, they will be tackled to the ground.
-By far the most obnoxious is Biology lab. When we rotate every 2 minutes and when finished you turn around facing the class room. Normal people hold their test sheet down by their side or look at their answers to check spelling, but the obnoxious biology nerd plasters the sheet of paper to their chest shoulders back, head high, eyes straight, with both hands covering every inch of the back side of the paper incase someone in the class can see through matter. This person usually answers their question with in 10 seconds and stands proud, hands on chest so tight that I assume they'll collapse if they move their firm grip.
Ps.. For kicks and giggles.. you definitely got #43 wrong. It's specialized transduction not generalized... idiot.
you saw his/her answer? he/she obviously didn't do a very good job at hiding.